PI - Assistant Professor
Education: Postdoc University of California, Davis
Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin
B.A. Indiana University, Bloomington
PhD Student
Celia is a PhD student in the Reynolds Lab, interested in investigating how forces of early urbanism and the built environment affect the genetic landscape across space and time in ancient Maya cities. She recently completed an M.A. in Anthropology at George Mason University, and completed her undergraduate studies in Biology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
PhD Candidate
Stacy is a PhD candidate in the Reynolds lab interested in human-pathogen coevolution and using genomics to measure population disease risk. She is currently working on population disease risk and immune response differences between hunter-gatherer and agriculturalist populations in South Africa.
PhD Student
Fernanda is a first year PhD student in the Reynolds Lab, who is interested in using bioinformatic approaches in omics data to understand human populations and diseases. Her undergraduate studies were in Biotechnology at the Benemérita
Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico.
PhD Student
Brooke is a graduate student in the Reynolds lab whose research focuses on genomic architecture of rare and common autoimmune diseases and how casual genes might differ depending on ancestral population groups. Her project is using genomes from a large biobank to look for causal genes, variants and if they share genetic architecture with other autoimmune diseases. Her undergraduate studies were in Forensic Anthropology and Biology.
PhD Student
Paige is a PhD student in the Reynolds lab studying the impacts of epigenetics and food insecurity on human health. She is continuing her studies after a M.A. in Anthropology from the University of Montana where she conducted a diet analysis using ancient DNA.
Undergraduate Student
Kiron is an undergraduate student in the Reynolds Lab. He is interested in anything related to computational biology or biostatistics. He plans to graduate from Baylor University with a BS in Informatics in May 2026.
Mackenzie Smith (Undergraduate honors thesis) 2021 - Now a PhD Student at Vanderbilt
Savannah Knutson (Undergraduate Science Research Fellow) 2022 - Now a PhD Student at UPenn